Our certifications and approvals
Quality, safety and environment
Mithieux Metal Protect is an industrial company which ambition is to develop a leading position in the surface treatment industry, in innovative and highly technical markets.

Management of Quality, Safety, Health and Environment
The growth and sustainability of the company depend on the satisfaction of its customers and the quality of its economic results.
To meet these challenges, the Quality, Safety, Health and Environment Management System is based on strong commitments:
- Involvement and empowerment of staff at all levels of the organization
- Measurement of customer satisfaction in a continuous improvement process
- Compliance with and anticipation of laws, regulations, standards and other requirements
- Analysis and prevention of occupational risks
- Consolidation of our competitiveness, by continuing our efforts to improve the quality of life at work
Obtention et maintien des certifications ISO 9001 v 2015, ISO 14001 v 2015 et IATF 16949 v2016.
Quality of service for our clients
- Be the benchmark subcontractor for innovative and highly technical markets
- Strengthen the competitiveness of our customers by ensuring them a level of responsiveness and flexibility never reached in the profession
- Guarantee the quality of services by deploying self-monitoring and reducing the rate of internal non-conformities
- Develop the skills of employees and offer them a friendly environment
Staff safety
- Strive for "Zero accidents"
- Involve all staff through compliance with the Safety charter
- Reduce risks at workstations
- Prevent major crises
Enhanced environmental approach
- Prevent environmental impacts
- Reduce waste and improve its recovery
- Optimizing the use of natural resources
- Engage in a process of implementing the Best Available Techniques when possible
Our certifications and approvals
Mithieux Metal Protect a intégré en 2019 le premier accélérateur PME ETI Automobile mis en place par BPI France. Nous sommes prêts à vous accompagner dans vos développements avec :
- Nos certifications ISO 9001 V2015, ISO 14001 V2015 et IATF 16949:2016.
- Our approvals for Mac Dermid processes, gray nickel zinc free of Cr6 (ZinKlad 1000), black nickel zinc without Cr6 (ZinKlad 1000B).